How to add some light back into your garden in time for spring


It might not seem it on this cold February afternoon, but spring really is less than a month away.

We want to give you a head start by giving you some tips to prepare your home and garden for the upcoming spring season that will help you stay ready for the good times that come with those long summer nights.

Introduce some light back into your garden. It may sound too simple to be true, but really, that’s our starting tip. Throughout the cold winter seasons we rarely step foot in our gardens. We certainly don’t replicate the warmer seasons by spending whole days soaking up the sun in them; therefore, in order to bring some life back into your garden we recommend you start to add just a little more light.

This way, you can slowly transition into using your garden again. Adding more light will get you thinking about your garden, helping you visualise the upcoming months and give you head start when planning all those parties and BBQs that follow the sun.

Ask yourself; do you end up with the same lights every year? It’s time to think better than you have done before. Arguably the easiest but misused concept is too plan how you want your personal space to be. If you can get an idea of what you’re looking for start making a rough plan using inspiration from wherever you can find it. We’ve added some inspirational pictures below:

Create a setting by adding lighting to your garden apparatus

Add a variety of styles to your personal area

Create the perfect ambience

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